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utorok, 28 február 2017 12:26

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Čítať 18237100 krát Naposledy zmenené streda, 01 marec 2017 17:20

Najnovšie od Mgr. Peter Šagát

176032 komentáre

  • Odkaz na komentáre 롤놀이터 pondelok, 03 marec 2025 19:29 Napísal(a) 롤놀이터

    I want to start a website about paranormal stuff..

  • Odkaz na komentáre lol토토 pondelok, 03 marec 2025 19:29 Napísal(a) lol토토

    I'm looking for a nice digital camera under or around $200 for the purpose of blogging (as in wordpress, blogger, etc). I'm trying to get a blog which will be based around the daily photos I take despite the fact that I'm not really a photographer but only doing it for fun. Any cool features like video would also be great but mainly I'm just looking for something I can take quality pictures, and that will hopefully hide my total amateur abilities. . . Thanks guys!.

  • Odkaz na komentáre 롤드컵토토 pondelok, 03 marec 2025 19:29 Napísal(a) 롤드컵토토

    How can I add a link to my website from a Joomla website?

  • Odkaz na komentáre 롤드컵토토 pondelok, 03 marec 2025 19:29 Napísal(a) 롤드컵토토

    How can I add a hit counter to my blogger blog?

  • Odkaz na komentáre 롤놀이터 pondelok, 03 marec 2025 19:29 Napísal(a) 롤놀이터

    I am trying to get remote desktop connection going, for the computers in the same network.. The problem is, my computer (Windows 7) does not seem to register the other computers on the network.. . Can anybody point me in the direction that might solve this issue?. The other computers are xp, if that makes a difference.. The other computers are xp, if that makes a difference..

  • Odkaz na komentáre 롤드컵토토 pondelok, 03 marec 2025 19:29 Napísal(a) 롤드컵토토

    I'm finding them for my sister. I'm trying to find the most recipes with pictures and the ages of baby for the recipes. Blogs are usually where I would expect to find them..

  • Odkaz na komentáre 롤 토토 pondelok, 03 marec 2025 19:29 Napísal(a) 롤 토토

    I'd like to start blogging but I have no idea which website to use? Which ones are the best?.

  • Odkaz na komentáre lol토토 pondelok, 03 marec 2025 19:29 Napísal(a) lol토토

    How can I get a support question to the blogger team?

  • Odkaz na komentáre 롤배팅사이트 pondelok, 03 marec 2025 19:29 Napísal(a) 롤배팅사이트

    How can I personalize my blog without making it look like crap?

  • Odkaz na komentáre 롤드컵토토 pondelok, 03 marec 2025 19:29 Napísal(a) 롤드컵토토

    Where online can an accredited psyciatrist post articles (or blogs) for them to become popular?