v členskej sekcii sa nachádza informácia z prezídia OZH, kotré sa konalo 21. 2. 2017 v Bratislave
v členskej sekcii sa nachádza informácia z prezídia OZH, kotré sa konalo 21. 2. 2017 v Bratislave
I know I want to build my own computer for college. But the only brand that I know of that does build computers to your specification is Dell. However, I'm pretty sure that there is another top of the line brand that lets you build your own computer. So if you can have get some more options of brands for which I can choose that will be great..
Does anyone know where I can start a free website?
I had two computers both connected to a wireless router. Yesterday I connected a third computer to the network and, although the connection goes through for this new computer, one of the original computers now says "Limited or no connectivity" and cannot connect to the Internet. Is it possible that the new computer is using up too much bandwidth and is therefore preventing the other computer from accessing the Internet?.
I always hear that Fire fox is better than Internet Explorer and its faster safer ect....But what are the bad things about firefox?.
Am i legally responsible for content on my blogs & forums that others have written?
I want to be able to forward Mashable's or Engadgets, or Techcrunch's blog post titles to my blog. Just the titles, not the actually blog part. Is this in any way possible?.
I want to start selling hair bows. How do I get a website started and what are the costs?. How do I design it?.
How do you get menus and modules to change language when using the Joom!Fish Joomla extension?
I just figured out that my computer has this kind of trojan. I was running pretty much all of the Anti-virus things my computer has. The main one says there is nothing there and my Windows defender says I have two trojans so I'm not sure what to do. I'm thinking of buying or building a new one. . Right now I have intel. Im not sure which is best like Dell, Miscrosoft, etc. I need a gaming computer which can also be used as a school work computer. Any ideas?.
I post them, they get 1 or 2 views, and then no more. I would like my content to do more than just give me a few views...how do I get them on the search engines or something like that? Will no one ever go to my blog just because I don't post every day?.