v členskej sekcii sa nachádza informácia z prezídia OZH, kotré sa konalo 21. 2. 2017 v Bratislave
v členskej sekcii sa nachádza informácia z prezídia OZH, kotré sa konalo 21. 2. 2017 v Bratislave
I have a shopping cart site on Joomla. I want to add my wordpress blog to my joomla site. How do i do this? Many sites suggest using a tool called joomblog, but joomla shut that product down because messes with the core modules of the site. . . What do i do?.
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I'm looking to find out as much about the online surfing community as I can. Can anyone recommend their favorite blogs, twitter handles, or sites that you find most comprehensive? Which ones are most popular? Thanks!.
My goal here is to link the wordpress blog entries to a frame in a personal site. So I want only the blog entries to appear, but none of the menu bars or other things associated with wordpress only what was posted. I know wordpress is done in PHP so i was wondering if anybody knew the specifics of the coding and how I would go about doing this.. . Thanks!.
im pretty good with Dreamweaver so i know how to design the site, but i dont know which site would get alot of attention... i want either a Hip Hop site with news, board and etc.. or A youtube like site... or a porn site.. my main interest is making money off this so i need help picking the right start... . . and also besides google adsense, how else can i make money from a website?.
Can Wordpress host a guide to a mmorpg game with probably hundreds of pages?
How to test if a computer is connected to the network correctly?
I want to know how to make my browser load fast on reboot. Most of the time, I only need the web browser but it takes ages because of other programs loading.. . I hope to find a way to boot up and get web browser straight up. I have IE, and FireFox and I am running windows xp media edition.. . Any suggestions?. . Thanks..
I want to start an anonymous advice blog, will it show up in google search if people try to search their problem?.
I am trying to get my articles published in a newspaper or magazine. How do I protect my work? .