v členskej sekcii sa nachádza informácia z prezídia OZH, kotré sa konalo 21. 2. 2017 v Bratislave
v členskej sekcii sa nachádza informácia z prezídia OZH, kotré sa konalo 21. 2. 2017 v Bratislave
I am trying to get my articles published in a newspaper or magazine. How do I protect my work? .
How do I get Firefox not to block the installation of farmville toolbar, Allow did not work?
What are the best colleges for creative writing and screenwriting?
How do I get "undefined" on my blog posts? There are 3 undefined words right below the title of my blog post. How do I get rid of it?.
A friend has a computer that turns itself off after a certain period of time of inactivity. And all you have to do is move the mouse a little, and the computer comes back on. Maybe the computer is not completely off, maybe this is called hibernate or standby or something. Is this a good thing to do or should I just let my computer run? How do you get the computer to do this auto shut off thing as I described at the start of this paragraph?.
I work for an organization that provides information to members on various topics. If we send a link to copyrighted web content (such as a page on the IBM web site) are we infringing on that content's copyright? I'm pretty certain we aren't -- if you can point me towards relevant legal precedents, etc. that would be great.. Keep in mind that I'm already pretty certain that we can freely use the URLs. What I really need is legal documentation of that fact, to make our corporate attorney happy. Thanks!.
How do you protect your website's content from copyright infringement?
Would becoming a paid blogger be a good idea to get money?
Hi. I have a blog which i installed wordpress. So far so good. Except that wordpress stats shows me the visits and i want it to show how many visitors visited my blog. Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot..
I would like the steps, ideas, or websites that can help me start a website that I can make money off of companies advertising on it? Any help websites or ideas on how to start one and what I need to start one.. . Much appreciated..