v členskej sekcii sa nachádza informácia z prezídia OZH, kotré sa konalo 21. 2. 2017 v Bratislave
Najnovšie od Mgr. Peter Šagát
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:13 Napísal(a) 롤토토사이트
I want to build a blog in wordpress where I can share photos, have people upload photos and everyone can rate them. Can anybody recommend a good theme or some tips? Free is preferred or like, under $100.. . Thanks!.
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:13 Napísal(a) 롤놀이터
For a Joomla website how do you get the drop down menus to display correctly in Internet Explorer 6?
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:13 Napísal(a) 롤드컵토토
How to add article to Joomla using a blackberry or other mobile device?
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:13 Napísal(a) 롤토토사이트
Can I install a different Wordpress theme to a Wordpress hosted blog?
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:13 Napísal(a) 롤놀이터
I have some videos that say "includes third party content" and others that say "blocked in some countries" (due to copyright).. Is it still possible for me to become a partner (considering I have all of the other requirements filled).
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:13 Napísal(a) lol토토
Is there free software or online database to keep track of scheduled blog posts? I would also like it to keep a record of past and future posts. I am trying to avoid creating a spreadsheet in Excel..
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:13 Napísal(a) 롤 토토
How to transfer files from my old computer to new computer?
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:12 Napísal(a) 롤토토사이트
I have written several articles and posted them on internet article directories. All directories I have posted on state that if others wish to use the article they must place the author's link/s along with the article. I have found a website that used my article and did not give me any credit (including adding my name). Is there anything I can do about this?.
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:12 Napísal(a) lol토토
What type of images am I 'legally' allowed to include in my blog posts?
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:12 Napísal(a) 롤 토토
I have heard of blogs and kind of know what they are. My question is what do you write on a blog, like stuff thats on your mind or just whatever? And what websites can i logon to to start blogs?.
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