v členskej sekcii sa nachádza informácia z prezídia OZH, kotré sa konalo 21. 2. 2017 v Bratislave
Najnovšie od Mgr. Peter Šagát
90013 komentáre
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:12 Napísal(a) 롤토토사이트
How do I know if a Wordpress theme supports a subscribe option?
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:12 Napísal(a) 롤토토사이트
What websites are for blogging only? Like writing journals but we can use a different name?
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:12 Napísal(a) 롤놀이터
What blogging website had the least invasive ads for free-account users?. Or what blogging website is best for someone looking to start a professional literary blog?.
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:12 Napísal(a) 롤놀이터
My Firefox stopped working saying the server wasn't found but Internet Explorers still works. I used to use firefox all the time but only recently it stopped working. I already checked the firewall and it allows firefox so i don't know what's wrong..
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:12 Napísal(a) lol토토
How can I insert a tag cloud into my blog @ blogspot?
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:12 Napísal(a) 롤 토토
How do you start a blog? How do you get your own blog site or page?
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:12 Napísal(a) 롤놀이터
What are some good blogging sites where your posts are actually read by others daily?
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:12 Napísal(a) 롤 토토
I want to know how to get the CSS code for rounded corners for my header, post background, and sidebar background! It's for my blogspot blog. PLEASE tell me how to get the css code!.
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:12 Napísal(a) 롤토토사이트
What is the difference between a Creative Writing major and a Creative Writing concentration?
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pondelok, 03 marec 2025 20:12 Napísal(a) 롤놀이터
I may have found something that is copyright infringement on associated content... What exactly happens if it's reported?. Does associated content nail down on the writer? Or is the content simply removed?. Is the writer charged with criminal offenses?. Thanks..
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